Kim Brooks
Changing patterns in family structure, rampant consumerism, and social panics spawned by the 24-hour news cycle have transformed child-rearing from an inherently private relationship into an all-consuming, competitive sport. Building on her own harrowing experiences, Brooks will reveal how expectations of parents have changed over the course of a single generation and how these expectations—fueled by fear rather than reality—pressure mothers to report one another. She will also share a fresh perspective on parenting and parenthood that shifts the focus away from individual parents to a broader social and historical perspective, highlighting the ways children can benefit from freedom and independence.
Tickets are required for this FREE event.
>> Our book sales committee will have copies of Small Animals: Parenthood in the Age of Fear available for purchase at this event. Please join us for an autographing session following the presentation.
KIM BROOKS is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and recipient of numerous fellowships. Her writing has appeared in many publications, including The New York Times, New York Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Chicago Magazine, and Salon. Brooks has spoken as a guest on CBS This Morning, PBS NewsHour, 20/20, NPR’s All Things Considered, Good Morning America, and The Brian Leher Show, as well as podcasts such as Note to Self, Mom and Dad Are Fighting, Femsplainer, and Matt Lewis and the News. Small Animals: Parenthood in the Age of Fear was designated A Best Book of 2018 by National Public Radio.